Myofascial Release Therapy
The treatment unwinds the layers of tissue that through habitual movements, injury, trauma, and lack of diversity become bound and adhered like glue. Fascia or connective tissue is the web which underlies not only our structure but also how we function. Dean Juhan describes fascia is his excellent book Job's Body as follows: "It binds specific cells into tissues, tissues into organs, organs into systems, cements muscles to bones, ties bones into joints, wraps every nerve and every vessel, laces all internal structures into place and envelopes the body as a whole. In all of these linings, wrappings, cables and moorings it is a continuous substance, and every single part of the body is connected to every other part by virtue of its network: every part of us is in its embrace. "
Applications• All Chronic pain
• Plantar Fasciaitis • Trauma or Accident Recovery • Revitalize your tissues. • Fibromyalgia |
Frequency of Treatment
Depending on the age of the injury or trauma I recommend a minimum of three treatments 5-7 days apart for sustaining change.
Home Care
• Foam Roller
• Simple Stretches • Yoga and free form dance • Qi Gong & Tai Chi • Hydration- Drink Water! |
"Receiving Myofascial Massage was so different than the stroking or intense deep pressure I was used to in a "massage". It was slow but went so deep. It was as if my hard spots became liquid and the pain I had for years in my low back was gone." N.S.